Monticello PTO

Thursday, September 07, 2006

September Meeting 09/07/06

The need to increase communication to parents continues to be a recurring theme. Those in attendance gave out their e-mail addresses, and secretary Janice Barrera e-mailed everyone a draft copy of the minutes before midnight the same night as the meeting (that has to be some sort of record!) They are as follows:

Old Business

* Sherry reviewed the magazine drive. *** PARENT VOLUNTEERS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED****

Sherry discussed the BOO-GRAM. Halloween is on a Tues. this year, there will be a work party in the evening in order to allow more parents who work to participate. ***MORE HELP IS NEEDED*** Boo grams will be sold from the 24th to the 30th.*

Discussion about how to recognize the WASL achievers. PTO will support recognition of high achievers at the awards breakfast and support teachers to do the EFFORT RECOGNITION.*

Janae / Sherry: Popcorn proceeds. We are making allot less than we did on the pop machines. Should we turn popcorn over to the sports parents to support purchase of sports equipment?? , sell at the games???, Should parents take over the Friday sales???.

New Business –* Discuss in OCT. Building a blog-spot web site for Monticello???

General Business Sharing requeststs:* Purchase 250 bingo cards of a better quality to use in the classrooms and at family bingo nights. Sherry suggests that we actually need more cards. Cassandra made a motion and Sherry seconded and the motion was passed by vote.$ 600.00 was approved.* Bob Battles- funding a trip to OMSI for the winners. Jerry Wilson motioned and Sherri seconded and the motion passes by vote. $450.00 approved.* To purchase student planners foacademicic advising founderprivilegeded Sherry motions and Janice seconds, motion passes and approves $245 -- $300.* Plastic tub to keep bingo cards in.* Support Mr. Gutormson in his quest for becoming board certified. He will become National Board Certified. John Hamill makes a motion to support him with $400.00 at this time. Janae seconds and it was passed.*

Supporting another assembly. Some discussion about the person putting on the assembly, Justin Lookadoo from TX is one reviewed, focus on teens becoming effective in life. Making good choices, relationships, choosing the right road. This needs to be booked soon for April if it is approved.**** TABLED*****


Adjournment-Next Meeting- OCTOBER 12, 2006 7PM

In order to expand participation in PTO and increase our volunteer pool, I would like to challenge everyone to recruit a few friends to either attend meetings or allow themselves to be added to the e-mail list.

Our current need is for volunteers to tally orders for the fundraising magazine drive. The fundraiser begins October 19, and the first "Turn In Day" is Friday September 22. Barring unforeseen circumstances, we will be meeting at 5:30 in the evening, hopefully allowing participation from those parents who work during the day and would be unable to volunteer during the day.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

This is a blog for the PTO of Monticello Middle School, Longview, WA (Washington.) That will hopefully bring any parents Googling "Monticello Middle School" here.

One of the biggest complaints heard from the parents of our students is that communication falls off at the middle school level. I think posting the information on the internet could be one way of addressing that problem.

6th grade orientation takes place on Monday, August 28, from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. PTO involvement at orientation will be selling PE uniforms and spiritwear. I was at the school on Friday helping to pass out 8th grade schedules, and many of the 7th and 8th grade parents were interested in purchasing PE uniforms. There should be more than enough to go around, but we are allowing the incoming 6th grade students the opportunity to purchase them first. They will be available to everyone else beginning on the first day of school, Tuesday, August 29.